MegaQC API Reference

Flask API Reference

GET /rest_api/v1/users/current
GET /rest_api/v1/users/current

Get details about the current user.

This is also how the frontend can get an access token. For that reason, this endpoint is authenticated using the session, NOT the access token

POST /rest_api/v1/uploads
POST /rest_api/v1/uploads

Upload a new report.

This is rare in that average users can do this, even though they aren’t allowed to edit arbitrary data

GET /dashboard/edit/(dashboard_id)
GET /dashboard/create/

Create a new dashboard.

POST /scheduler/jobs

Adds a new job.

GET /scheduler/jobs

Gets all scheduled jobs.

GET /users/multiqc_config

Instructions for MultiQC configuration.

GET /users/password

Change user password.

GET /plot_favourites/

View and edit saved plots.

GET /edit_filters/

Edit saved filters.

GET /dashboards/

Create a new dashboard.

GET /plot_type/

Choose plot type.

GET /scheduler

Gets the scheduler info.

POST /register/

Register new user.

GET /register/

Register new user.

GET /logout/


POST /login/

Log in.

GET /login/

Log in.

GET /about/

About page.

GET /users/

Show user profile.


Home page.


Home page.

POST /rest_api/v1/users/(int: id)/uploads
POST /rest_api/v1/users/(int: id)/uploads

Upload a new report.

This is rare in that average users can do this, even though they aren’t allowed to edit arbitrary data

POST /scheduler/jobs/(job_id)/resume

Resumes a job.

POST /scheduler/jobs/(job_id)/pause

Pauses a job.

GET /dashboard/view/(dashboard_id)/raw
GET /dashboard/view/(dashboard_id)

Create a new dashboard.

POST /scheduler/jobs/(job_id)/run

Executes a job.

GET /plot_favourite/(fav_id)/raw
GET /plot_favourite/(fav_id)

View and edit saved plots.

GET /scheduler/jobs/(job_id)

Gets a job.

DELETE /scheduler/jobs/(job_id)

Deletes a job.

PATCH /scheduler/jobs/(job_id)

Updates a job.

GET /users/static/(path: filename)

Function used internally to send static files from the static folder to the browser.

New in version 0.5.

GET /static/(path: filename)

Function used internally to send static files from the static folder to the browser.

New in version 0.5.

GET /static/(path: filename)

Function used internally to send static files from the static folder to the browser.

New in version 0.5.